Amazing Benefits of Cardamom and Side effects of cardamom -
What is cardamom?
You will be surprised to know that besides its special aroma and taste, the benefits of cardamom are many. The reason is the medicinal properties of cardamom. Due to its properties, cardamom is also used to relieve many physical problems. However, you have to keep in mind that cardamom benefits can be found to some extent in the problems mentioned in the article, but this is not their treatment. Medical consultation is essential for the treatment of any problem.
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Cardamom |
All questions are answered below -
What are the health benefits of cardamom?
Is eating too much cardamom bad for you?
What happens if you eat cardamom everyday?
What is cardamom in?
What are the health benefits of cardamom?
What are the side effects of cardamom?
Is it good to eat Elaichi everyday?
Is Cardamom good for skin?
What happens if we eat cardamom daily?
Does cardamom reduce weight?
How can I reduce my stomach fat?
Is Cardamom a laxative?
Does cardamom suppress appetite?
Types of Cardamom - Types of Cardamom
There are mainly two types of cardamom, one is green and the other is black, which is also called big cardamom.
Green cardamom -
It is also called real cardamom and is the most common variety. It is also called small cardamom. It is exported from India to other countries. Its scientific name is Elettaria cardamomum. It is used to enhance the taste of both sweet and salty dishes. It is also used in spicy curries and milk-based dishes.
Black cardamom -
This cardamom origin. Belongs to the eastern Himalayan region. It is cultivated mostly in Sikkim, eastern Nepal and parts of West Bengal, India. It is brown in color and slightly longer in shape. It is also known as brown and red cardamom with large cardamom. Its scientific name is Amomum subulatum.
It is used in dishes like biryani. It is an important part of garam-spices. Its dark brown seeds are also known for its medicinal properties.
What are the health benefits of cardamom?
Benefits of Cardamom
1. Improve digestive health/Cardamom benefits for digestive system
Cardamom's benefits may prove effective in the event of disorganized digestion. This is confirmed by two separate research related to the medicinal properties of cardamom. One research suggests that the properties of small cardamom include an antiinflammatory (inflammation-reducing) effect, which may serve to relieve digestive disorders. At the same time, large cardamom has anti-ulcerogenic (ulcer-reducing risk) properties. This property of large cardamom can relieve gastrointestinal disorder (eg: constipation, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain).
In other research related to cardamom, it has been assumed that cardamom has a stomacic (promoting appetite and improving digestion) properties. Based on these facts it can be assumed that the advantages of small cardamom include digestive improvement. At the moment, further research is still needed on this topic.
2. beneficial for heart health
Large cardamom is rich in antioxidant (free radicals removing properties) properties. Its properties can promote heart health. At the same time, it can also benefit the heart by lowering cholesterol levels. It can also prove beneficial for patients suffering from ischemic heart disease (a disease caused by decreased blood flow).
At the same time, a research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) also shows that large cardamom can be more effective than green cardamom, because it has antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) properties. Causes may work more effectively on metabolic syndrome (a group of certain risk factors that cause many other problems with heart disease) (4). Based on these facts, it can be said that the benefits of large cardamom can prove to be helpful in maintaining heart health.
3. Effective in anxiety
The benefits of small cardamom can prove to be effective to get relief from anxiety problem. A research published on the NCBI website related to small cardamom found that it can be helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. However, further research has also been asked on the benefits of cardamom in how it works.
4. Control diabetes /Cardamom benefits for diabetes patient
The benefits of small cardamom include diabetes control. This is evidenced by a research conducted by BMC Complimentary Medicine and Therapies. Research has found that green cardamom has antioxidant (free radical destroying effect) effect. This property may help increase insulin activation, which may be helpful in reducing increased blood sugar. On this basis, it can be said that a person suffering from type-2 diabetes can get benefits by eating cardamom.
5. Beneficial for oral health
Cardamom use may also prove beneficial in maintaining oral health. This is clearly mentioned in the Dental Research Journal. The journal states that cardamom seed oil has antiseptic (bacteria-destroying) effect. Due to this effect, cardamom seed oil can help eliminate bacteria that causes bad odor in the mouth. At the same time, it can also provide relief in oral infections. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that the benefits of eating small cardamom can also be helpful in maintaining oral health.
6. Control blood pressure/ Cardamom benefits for heart
Eating cardamom can also benefit from high blood pressure problems. The research department of RNT Medical College, Udaipur has also accepted this in its research. Research has shown that small cardamom can reduce increased blood pressure in both systolic (cardiac contraction) and diastolic (cardiac stop) conditions. On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of small cardamom can be helpful in controlling the increased blood pressure.
7. Helpful to prevent hiccups
The benefits of cardamom powder can be achieved even in the case of hiccups. In fact, according to a research related to small cardamom, along with other health problems, it can also be helpful in preventing hiccups. Explain that small cardamom is called as Ela in Ayurveda. Remember, hiccups are not a disease, but sometimes its continuity can cause confusion in people.
8. Help to increase appetite
The benefits of green cardamom are also helpful in increasing appetite. In the article, we have already told you that cardamom has the ability to improve digestion as well as to increase appetite due to stomacic properties. In such a situation, the cardamom properties can prove useful for those who complain of loss of appetite. Explain that along with green cardamom, the benefits of large cardamom can also show effective effect.
9. Avoid infection
A study done on the medicinal properties of cardamom makes it clear that it can also be helpful in preventing infections related to skin and body. Research has suggested that cardamom has antimicrobial (microbial destroyer) properties. At the same time, cardamom has this ability to fight against bacteria especially staphylococcus aureus. Explain that this bacteria can cause lung-related infections such as pneumonia and and skin infections. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that using cardamom can help in getting relief from some such infections. Explain that in this situation, the benefits of large cardamom along with green cardamom can also prove helpful.
10.Assists in reducing the risk of cancer/ Cardamom benefits for cancer
Cardamom can be used domestically to some extent against cancer due to its medicinal properties. A research conducted by Saudi Arabia's G Hale University confirms this. In fact, this research on skin cancer mice found that green cardamom has chemo preventive (cancer-resistant) properties. On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of green cardamom can be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer to some extent. Nevertheless, it has to be kept in mind that cancer is a deadly disease and medical treatment is most important for its treatment.
11. Increases memory/cardamom bebefits for brain
The benefits of large cardamom along with green can also prove to be helpful in increasing memory. Indeed, according to a study published on the NCBI website, the medicinal properties of cardamom can prove effective in learning and enhancing memory . For this, it can be used in tea or other food items. A pinch of cardamom is believed to have the potential to produce better results. However, more research needs to be done on how this works.
12. Detoxify the body
Cardamom can also prove to be very effective for removing the toxic and harmful substances present in the body. According to experts, cardamom has the ability to promote the natural action of removing impurities present in the body with the help of water. Due to this ability, the benefits of green and large cardamom can help keep the body free from toxins.
13. Cardamom benefits for skin
The article previously stated that cardamom may protect against skin infections caused by bacteria Staphylococcus aureus . At the same time, another research related to cardamom finds that cardamom is also used in Ayurveda to make leprosy medicine. On this basis, it can be believed that the benefits of cardamom powder can prove beneficial in curing certain infections related to the skin.
14. Cardamom benefits for hair
There is some skepticism about the usefulness of cardamom for hair. It is possible that it may or may not help in the development of benefits. Indeed, a research done on mice suggests that it can inhibit hair growth . At the same time, cardamom has been reported to be beneficial for body, skin and hair in a research related to breast cancer . Therefore, more research needs to be done on the benefits of cardamom in relation to hair.
cardamom uses / How to use Cardamom
The use of cardamom can be easily understood through the points given below -
Cardamom is an important element of garam masala in India. It is used in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Cardamom can also be used in tea. The use of cardamom enhances the aroma of this drink. Strong green cardamom is used in dishes like casserole and biryani. The aroma of these dishes is increased by the use of cardamom. Apart from spicy dishes, cardamom is also used in sweets such as kheer, gulab jamun, gajak and halwa. Ground cardamom is also used in soups and rice dishes. Chicken is also marinated with honey, black pepper and cardamom. You can also use cardamom with honey in a citrus fruit salad.
There is no doubt that cardamom has many miraculous benefits for health, but its excessive use can also exhibit some cardamom losses. Know below about the disadvantages of eating small cardamom
What are the side effects of cardamom?
Side effects of Cardamom
Skin irritation
Friends, by now you may have come to know about the benefits of eating cardamom. In such a situation, you can use it for the physical problems mentioned in the article. Keep in mind that if cardamom losses due to its regular intake like: - If symptoms of allergy or constipation appear, then stop the intake and contact the doctor. At the same time, also keep in mind that the benefits of eating cardamom can bring relief to the problems mentioned, but it is not their treatment. Hopefully this article will help you to a great extent in maintaining better health.