Sunday, October 11, 2020

Alcohol Addiction Treatment 2020



Chronic alcoholism is defined as the regular imbibing of an amount of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is sufficient to harm an individual socially, psychologically or physically.  it is difficult to give the number of drinks after which the diagnosis of alcoholism can be made because of differences in individual susceptibility or adverse effects acute alcoholism as well as chronic alcoholism are related to quantity of alcohol content imbibed and duration of consumption.  Generally 10 gram of Ethanol is present in -

 =     1 bottle of beer 

 =     120 ml of neat wine 

 =     30 ml of 43% liquid

 A daily consumption of 40 gram of ethanol( four small pegs or two large pegs)  is likely to be harmful. Intake of 100 gram or more daily is certainly dangerous. Daily and heavy consumption of alcohol is more harmful than moderate social drinking having get periods since the liver where ethanol is metabolized gets time to heal.

 Metabolism and absorption of alcohol begins in the stomach and small intestine and appears in blood shortly after ingestion. Alcohol is then distributed to different organs and body Fluids proportionate to the blood levels of alcohol.  About 2 to 10% of absorbed alcohol is excreted by urine, sweat and  through the breath, the last one being the basis of breath test employed by law enforcement Agencies for Alcohol abuse.


Effects of alcoholism 

Alcohol consumption in moderation and social acceptable limits is practisized mainly for its mood altering effects. Heavy alcohol consumption is in habituated person is likely to cause acute ill effects on different organs. 

 Acute alcoholism 

the acute effects  are most prominent on the central nervous system, but it also in the stomach and liver.

 Chronic alcoholism 

chronic alcoholism produces widespread injury to organs and  systems. contrary  to the earlier believe that chronic alcoholic injury results from nutritional deficiency, it is now known that most of alcohol related injury to different organs is due to the toxic effects of alcohol and accumulation of its main toxic metabolite "acetaldehyde" in the blood.  other proposed mechanism  soft tissue injury in chronic alcoholism are free radical mediated injury and genetic susceptibility to alcohol dependence and tissue damage.

 Liver - 

 Alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis are the most common and important effects of chronic alcoholism.


 chronic calcifying pancreatitis and acute pancreatitis are serious complication of chronic alcoholism.

 Central nervous system 

Peripheral neuropathies and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, cerebral atrophy, cerebellar degeneration and amblyopia.

Questions answered above -

What defines an alcoholic?

What are the signs and symptoms of chronic alcoholism?

Is drinking every day considered an alcoholic?

What happens to your body if you are an alcoholic?