Saturday, October 3, 2020

Dengue:Symptoms prevention Treatment Medicines Causes Aedes aegypti Diagnosis


Dengue mosquito

Dengue meaning

Dengue is characterized by fever of sudden onset, headache, retrobulbar pain, conjuctival infection, pain in back and joints. dengue is also called break bone fever.It s endemic and often epidemic in tropics and subtropics ,particularly in Asia.

Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease.

Like yellow fever, it is transmitted by aedes aegypti. 

dengue mosquito -  aedes aegypti

 Types of Dengue virus - 

Dengue virus has four serotypes : 

Dengue 1(DEN 1)

Dengue 2(DEN 2)

Dengue 3(DEN 3)

Dengue 4(DEN 4)

symptoms of dengue

What is the first sign of dengue fever?

Classical dengue fever -

usually affects older children and adults.

symptoms -



pain in muscles and joints

Maculopapular rash

Incubation period is 5 to 8 days.

It is rarely fatal.

other symptoms of dengue-

Dengue haemorrhage fever

Dengue shock syndrome

Dengue treatment

What is the best treatment for dengue fever?

Dengue medicines -

Analgesics and Antipyretics :For fever and pain releif

Fluid retaining medicines

Oral rehydration salt

Dengue Prevention

Use mosquito repellers - Cream, candles, Mosquito net

Use Dengue vaccine for prophylaxis

Diagnosis of dengue

Blood - thrombocytopaenia(100000 cells or less per mmcube)

Microbial diagnosis - Detection of antibody
Antigen detection
Virus detection

How Dengue is caused?

By Dengue virus through mosquito-bite (Aedes agypti)

What are the warning signs of dengue?

High garde fever 

severe dehydration

Shock like conditions

Bone break fever or Pain