Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Antacid:Best antacid tablet and syrup.side effects Interaction Doses




These are basic substances which neutralize gastric acid and raise the pH of 

gastric contents.

Peptic activity is indirectly reduced if the pH rises above 4, because 

pepsin is 

secreted as a complex with an inhibitory terminal moiety that

dissociates below pH 5: optimum peptic activity is exerted between 

pH 2 to 4.

Antacids do not decrease acid production;

rather, agents that raise the antral pH to > 4

evoke reflex gastrin release → more acid is

secreted, especially in patients with hyperacidity

and duodenal ulcer; “acid rebound” occurs and

gastric motility is increased.

The potency of an antacid is generally expressed in terms of its 

acid neutralizing

capacity (ANC), which is defined as the number of

mEq of 1N HCl that is brought to a pH of 3.5 in 15

min (or 60 min in some tests) by a unit dose of

the antacid preparation. This takes into consideration

the rate at which the antacid dissolves and

reacts with HCl. This is important because a

a single dose of any antacid taken in empty

the stomach acts for 30–60 min only, since in this

the time any gastric content is passed into the duodenum.

Taken with meals antacids may act for at the most 2–3 hr.

Antacid classification

(a) Systemic: Sodium bicarbonate, Sod. citrate

(b) Nonsystemic: Magnesium hydroxide, Mag. trisilicate, 

    Aluminum hydroxide

gel, Magaldrate, Calcium carbonate

Systemic Antacids

Sodium bicarbonate It is water-soluble, acts instantaneously,

but the duration of action is short. It is a potent

neutralizer (1 g → 12 mEq HCl), pH may rise above 7. However,

it has several demerits:

(a) Absorbed systemically: large doses will induce alkalosis.

(b) Produces CO2 in stomach → distention, discomfort,

belching, risk of ulcer perforation.

(c) Acid rebound occurs but is usually short-lasting.

(d) Increases Na+ load: may worsen edema and CHF.

Use of sod. bicarbonate is restricted to the casual treatment

of heartburn. It provides quick symptomatic relief. Other uses

are to alkalinize urine and to treat acidosis.

Sodium citrate Properties similar to sod. bicarbonate;

1 g neutralizes 10 mEq HCl; CO2 is not evolved.

Nonsystemic Antacids

These are insoluble and poorly absorbed basic compounds;

react in the stomach to form the corresponding chloride salt. The

chloride salt again reacts with the intestinal bicarbonate so

that HCO3

¯ is not spared for absorption—no acid-base disturbance

occurs. However, small amounts that are absorbed

have the same alkalinizing effect as NaHCO3

Antacid combinations |Antacid syrup|Antacid tablet

A combination of two or more antacids is frequently used. 

These may be superior to any single agent on the following accounts:

(a) Fast (Mag. hydroxy.) and slow (Alum. hydroxy.)

acting components yield prompt as well as sustained effect.

(b) Mag. salts are laxative, while alum. salts are

constipating: combination may annul each other’s

action and bowel movement may be least


(c) Gastric emptying is least affected; while

alum. salts tend to delay it, mag./cal. salts tend to hasten it.

(d) Dose of individual components is reduced;

systemic toxicity (dependent on fractional absorption) is minimized.

What are the examples of antacids? Antacid medicine

Some available antacid combinations are: What is the best antacid?

ACIDIN: Mag. carb. 165 mg, dried alum. hydrox. gel 232 mg,

cal. carb. 165 mg, sod. bicarb. 82 mg, with kaolin 105 mg and

belladonna herb 30 μg per tab.

ALMACARB: Dried alum. hydrox. gel 325 mg, mag. carb. 50

mg, methyl polysilox. 40 mg, deglycyrrhizinated liquorice 380

mg per tab.

ALLUJEL-DF: Dried alum. hydrox. gel 400 mg, mag. hydrox.

400 mg, methyl polysilox. 30 mg per 10 ml susp.

DIGENE: Dried alum. hydrox. gel 300 mg, mag. alum. silicate

50 mg, mag. hydrox. 25 mg, methylpolysilox. 10 mg per tab.

DIGENE GEL: Mag. hydrox. 185 mg, alum. hydrox. gel 830 mg,

sod. carboxymethyl cellulose 100 mg, methylpolysilox. 25 mg

per 10 ml susp.

GELUSIL: Dried alum. hydrox. gel 250 mg, mag. trisilicate 500

mg per tab.

GELUSIL LIQUID: Mag. trisilicate 625 mg, alum. hydrox. gel

312 mg per 5 ml susp.

MUCAINE: Alum. hydrox. 290 mg, mag. hydrox. 98 mg,

oxethazaine 10 mg per 5 ml susp.

Drug interactions of Antacid

By raising gastric pH and

by forming complexes, the non-absorbable

antacids decrease the absorption of many drugs,

especially tetracyclines, iron salts, fluoroquinolones,

ketoconazole, H2 blockers, diazepam, phenothiazines,

indomethacin, phenytoin, isoniazid,

ethambutol and nitrofurantoin. Stagger their

administration by 2 hours. The efficacy of

nitrofurantoin is also reduced by alkalinization

of urine.

Uses of Antacid: What is an antacid used for?

 Antacids are no longer used for healing

peptic ulcer, because they are needed in large

and frequent doses, are inconvenient, can cause

acid rebound and bowel upset, afford little

nocturnal protection and have poor patient

acceptability. Antacids are now employed only

for intercurrent pain relief and acidity, mostly

self-prescribed by the patients as over the

counter preparations. They continue to be used

for non-ulcer dyspepsia and minor episodes of


Gastroesophageal reflux Antacids afford

faster symptom relief than drugs which inhibit

acid secretion, but do not provide sustained

benefit. May be used off and on for acid

eructation and heartburn.

Is milk an antacid?

No, Milk is not an antacid.