Glucose tolerance test
glucose tolerance test solution
glucose tolerance test normal range - 80-100 mg/dl (serum glucose)
glucose tolerance test definition - Oral glucose tolerance test is performed for patiens with borderline fasting plasma glucose value(i.e. between 100-140mg/dl).The patient who is scheduled for oral glucose tolerance test is instructed to eat a high carbohydrate diet for at least 3 days prior to the test and come after overnight fasting on the day of the test (for at least 8 hours)(glucose tolerance test fasting).
A fasting blood sugar sample is drawn.Then 75 gm of glucose dissolved in 300 ml water is given. Blood and urine specimen are collected at half hourly intervals for at least 2 hours. Blood or plasma glucose content is measured and urine is tested for glycosuria to determine the approximate renal threshold for glucose. Venous whole blood concentration are 15% lower than plasma values.
Currently accepted criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus(as per American Diabetes Association,2007)
Normal cuttoff value for fasting blood glucose level is considered as 100mg/dl.
Cases with fasting blood glucose value in range of 100-125mg/dl are considered as impaired fasting glucose tolerance(IGT): these cases are at increased risk of developing diabetes later and therefore kept under observation for repeating the test. During pregnancy,however, a case of IGT is treated as a diabetic.
Individual with fasting value of plasma glucose higher than 126mg/dl and 2 hours value after 75 gm oral glucose higher than 200mg/dl are labelled as diabetics.
In symptomatic case,the random blood glucose value above 200mg/dl is diagnosed as diabetes mellitus.
oral glucose tolerance test pregnancy
(2 hour glucose tolerance test pregnancy normal range)
Cases with fasting blood glucose value in range of 100-125mg/dl are considered as impaired fasting glucose tolerance(IGT): these cases are at increased risk of developing diabetes later and therefore kept under observation for repeating the test. During pregnancy,however, a case of IGT is treated as a diabetic.
Glucose tolerance test results -
Normal blood glucose level 80-100 mg/dl
Impaired fasting glucose tolerance (IGT) 100-125 mg/dl
During pregnancy ,however a case of IGT is treated as a diabetic patient.
Diabetic patient - glucose level higher than 126 mg/dl and 2 hour value after 75 gm oral glucose higher than 200 mg/dl are labelled as diabetic.